Kasaan Hammon-Steigen
Kasaan Hammon-Steigen is owner and founder of Hit Ninjas Music/Hit Ninjas Academy. She has worked in the music industry since 1995 as a songwriter, recording artist, producer, artist manager and music publisher. She was previously Executive Director of the Association of Independent Music Publishers (AIMP) and Program Coordinator for the Chaka Khan Foundation.
As a recording artist and songwriter, one of her first successes was writing the theme song for the action film “Crossfire” in 1996. In 1997, she recorded several songs for Elektra Records, launching a 5-year odyssey on the merry-go-round of courting and being courted by major labels, managers, radio DJ’s and the like. In 2002, she was featured singing on The Maury Povich show, and she has won multiple awards and honorable mentions in regional and national songwriting contests for her songs.
In 2002, Kasaan transitioned from performer to artist manager by founding Trigger Management, wanting to use her experiences with near hits and painful misses to better direct young talent about to embark on a similar journey. As owner of Trigger Management for the past decade, Kasaan has focused on providing clients with career direction and performance coaching, as well as collaborating with clients on songwriting and production.
Kasaan created Hit Ninjas Academy to give up-and-coming songwriters the real tools they need to succeed and the opportunity to save themselves years of struggling for a break with songs that just aren't working “for some reason,” and the frustration of trying to figure out just what it is that makes one song stick in your head and another one forgettable. Kasaan is very happy and grateful for the opportunity to encourage and advance emerging songwriters and artists on the road to success in any way she can.